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GYAN Classes believes in serious academic pursuit and encourages original and innovative thinking with regard to national and internationally relevant ideas, policies through intellectually stimulating debates and discussions at all levels. 


Here, the desire to achieve goals is fuelled by ambition and we fan this fire by providing knowledge which serves the rapidly changing industry requirements.

The education-to-employment (E2E) path can be described as a road with three intersections: enrolling in postsecondary education, building the right skills, and finding a suitable job.


Improved training and skill development is critical for providing decent employment opportunities to the growing youth population and is necessary to sustain the high growth momentum.


Though a high number of youths are unemployed, yet there is a critical skills shortage at the same time. This paradox can be solved only by acquiring the right skills at the right time and being the best in your respective fields.


G.Y.A.N Classes will help students to develop the right skills to find a suitable job in the desired field, by providing workshops and classes. 

Workshops offered
  • Indian Laws

  • Database Management System

  • Mechanics - UG level

Who can register?
  • Students 

  • Working professionals

  • Competitive exam aspirants 

The Gyanies

Kini Saxena

L.L.B, L.L.M

To become a great lawyer, all you need is good analytical skills.

This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.

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